Thanks to my new blogger friend Cindy, I got this great idea for getting rid of the binki. James has been doing a lot better than I thought he would considering the hysterics he was in just talking about it. It was definitely harder for him than it was for me, but I'm just glad it's finally gone. Thanks to Cindy I decided it was time. I think he'll be completely over it in just a few days. Here's the video of the departure.
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
5 days ago
That is genious!! How did he do without it? Its hard huh. I like how he said goodbye, such a cutie!
It actually has been great ever since we got past the 1st day. He knows where it is and is totally okay with it. He takes a little bit longer to fall asleep at nap and night time, but at least he's not in his room crying about it!
I'm so glad we finally did it!!
that is tooo funny!!
"are you doing to take a nap without your binky now???"
"uh oh...."
love your comment!
ps - I got your check...thanks! I haven't cashed it yet though...
LOL I love them! My friend decided her family was going to be binki free too...They got to cut their binkis in half with Daddy's scissors!
I remember you telling me about binky heaven...but I don't remember the part about helium balloons. So smart, and I'm with Lisa...nap w/o binky? Noooooooo.
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