This is for all you crazy people who have been wanting to see my belly. Well, here it is plus all the weight I've gained too! :o) Enjoy, because I sure don't *LOVE* looking at these pictures. Maybe if my face was out of it I'd feel a little different.
I had an ultrasound yesterday and it was confirmed that indeed the baby is still a girl. That's good news, because I even had a boy name picked out just incase. It almost seemed too good to be true. We also got a little picture of her hair. It's not the greatest picture, but she for sure has some. Although the technician said it's not very long.....
GROW, HAIR GROW!! We need enough for clippies and bows.
(I was fortunate enough to have boys with a TON of hair, let's not have a bald little girl!)
Other good news is my placenta has moved, and I no longer have marginal placenta previa. Now we can shoot for a natural birth. We'll see how that goes. :o)
I'll try and post our most recent ultrasound pictures of baby girl Ducker soon. (I don't have a scanner, so I'd have to run to a friends house.)
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
5 days ago
I used to sick bows to Claire's head with...KY Jelly, IT WORKS! She didn't have hair for a while. I'm glad the placenta is out of the way. Whew!
Melissa, I have to say again, that I totally would have been able to tell that this was a girl instead of a are carrying so much higher than you did with the boys... Still cute as all get out though! :) Did you know that there are some things on your blog that you can't read because of your new colors. You can't read anything on the right hand side. Love, Mom PS I don't know what to get the boys for Easter...any ideas?
Cute pictures! I love pregnant pictures. Although I'll probably hate them of myself when the time comes! I decided to start from the beginning with "Twilight" and I'm really excited! I never thought I would say that, wow. And PS, I saw that recipe for sweet pork tacos and I'm so excited to try it. Yummy!
My mom used to use a dab of Elmer's glue to hold our bows in!!
What are the colors of your nursery?? Did you decide?
I love your belly!
So glad your placenta decided to get out of the way!!! Gosh, silly thing!
What cute prego pics! I still see more of the pregnant glow than anything else, so I don't know what you're talking about with all the extra weight gain everywhere...
By the way, I tried your shredded pork recipe and LOVED it! The slaw's such a good addition. I'm actually going to have it at my cousin luncheon today. I'll let you know the reviews! look amazing!!
And great news about that darn placenta!
I was a BALD baby until I was 5yrs old. But that would be ironic if she had none...and your boys had a ton eh?!?!!!
She'll be adorable no matter what!! Can't wait to see her!
I don't have anymore ultrasounds scheduled so I can't confirm again if this is girl, but I am pretty sure from the last ultrasound that it is. If not, we have a boy name picked out and we have all the boy clothes we need. I had my first Braxton Hicks yesterday. I never had one with Clayton. Man did it hurt. I can not wait to be done. I have to say, don't think I am mean, but your belly looks like a torpedo. I just think that it is funny every time I see it.
You are the cutest pregant girl. I'm so jealous! I think When i'm pregnant I'm going to blow up like a balloon! You are so tiny! I'm glad you posted a picture :) I can't belive the baby is almost here!
You are just way too cute pregnant! I am way jealous! Wish I looked that good when I'm prego!
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