Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hello!!! Late Halloween Post (W-O-W! That's late!)

Halloween Night

Here are the boys OUt Trick-or-Treating

I dressed up like Dorian this year. All his clothes. I look like a creepy gay guy....

Carson's School Party

They got some cool toys and treats, and they had a Halloween Parade. I was in charge of an activity for the party, and I had lost my voice that day, so that was interesting, but the kids had fun playing "Goblin, Goblin, Ghost!" and dancing to some songs.

This girl is Carson's crush. She is the tallest kid in the class, while Carson is one of the shortest! lol

Ward Halloween Party

I only got a couple of shots of Tessa. They weren't very good since I didn't have a voice and couldn't communicate with Dorian on what I was trying to do. This is what we get.

Boo at the Zoo

My friend Jen and I went to Boo at the Zoo. It was pretty dang cold! It wasn't very busy when we got there so that was nice, but after we had gone through one time (15 minutes) it was busy and we were packing up to leave. I probably won't be going there again. So thank you Boo at the Zoo! You were fun while you lasted!!
This is when I lost my happened while I was driving home.

Couple's Halloween Party

Every month a bunch of our friends try and get together and have a couple's party. This month Somer was in charge, so she decided to have a Halloween party. Dorian and I went in our PJ's (the best I could get him to do) and I brought ranch dip and veggies. I made a hand coming out of the ranch. It looked cute....

Me, Tessa and Zack

Natalie and Chris

Marie and Drew (Jim and Pam from the Office Halloween episode)

Maryanne and Cesar

The food

Somer and Zack

Demery and Theron

Becca and baby Luke

Brian and James (Brian babysat for us)

Carson watching video games.....*sigh*...boys!

Wow! Halloween was so busy! No wonder I hadn't blogged about it yet! It was a little overwhelming.


Kritta22 said...

LOL I love them all! Made me giggle at some of those fun costumes!

Rebecca said...

That picture of you (dressed as Dorian) It does NOT look like you at all, it looks like your made out of wax, crazy! Cute family costumes!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME pics, Melissa. Well worth the wait. I couldn't believe that was you in your costume. looks like you guys had a good time!

Erin S said...

You do look like a creepy gay guy, haha!! Tessa is getting so big and CUTE!!!

Lisa and Rustin said...

1. You've got some DANG cute kids!
2. THAT does NOT LOOK LIKE YOU AT ALL!! That is too funny!!!
3. Better late than never, right!! Glad you blogged these!