This was our most Exciting Easter by far, for a couple of reasons! One, both of the boys were old enough to REALLY participate and have a lot of fun with it. Reason two, and probably by far the best reason.....Granny and Papa (Dorian's parents) were here to visit (both of them at the same time!) We couldn't have asked for a better Easter than the one we got! We can't seem to get enough of these guys.
Getting ready for the Easter egg hunt. James looks pretty groggy, while Carson can't wait to get going.
JD finding his egg
Carson excited about his egg
One of the eggs dropped in the middle of the hunt. They had to stop and eat some of the candy! YUM.
Mr. Blue eyes playing with his planes from the Easter Bunny
Carson playing with his Motorcycles
Dorian telling the kids what Easter is all about. I am so thankful for the resurrection of our Savior. I was given the greatest gift a person could get. Jesus gave his life. I am so greatful that my Savior, brother and friend gave me the opportunity to repent and return to live with Heavenly Father again. I couldn't ask for anything more.
And So It Begins
6 days ago
I think that is the SWEETEST picture of all!!!! What a great Dad, to make sure and remind your boys of the true reason we celebrate Easter.
It sounds like you guys had a wonderful time, especially with family in town! I'm glad for the blogs to see those nephews in action!
I can't believe how big your boys are getting!
It looks like you had a fun day. I'm glad you got to spend it with some family. It is a bummer you live so far away from them. (and us!)
Did JD fall down or did I miss something? Anyway, super adorable. It looks like you all had a very nice Easter. Call me when you get a minute.
They are getting so big!! How are you guys doing? Looks like you guys had a great Easter. I love the last picture looking at Jesus.
Ps. I tagged yah :D Check out my blog too hehe
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