Friday, July 31, 2009

to the Doctor x2

here's a shot of our chunky 13 pounder!!! Look at those cheeks and that chin!

Tessa got her 2 month shots today. We were mostly really excited to see how much she weighs. Here are her stats:

Height: 24.5 inches (98th percentile)

Weight: 13 lbs even (92nd percentile)

Head: 78th percentile

She's a good girl and growing so big. She's a good eater and a good sleeper, and MOSTLY a pretty mellow baby. We love her and can't get enough of her!

Carson went today to get his kindergarten shots. He wasn't quite as brave as last year (he didn't even cry last time) but hey, shots can be a scary thing right?

Here are his stats for his 5 year check up:

Height: 39 3/4 inches (3rd percentile)

Weight: 35.8 (13th percentile)

Get growing Carson, or your little sister is going to be taller than you!!!!!!!! ;o)


Jen and Tyson said...

Tessa just gets cuter and cuter!! I love baby chubbahloves!!!! i think they are the best! :)

Anonymous said...

that is insane! Tessa is so big! We will fimd out how big she is on the be prepared! You are right, Carson does need to grow really fast.

Joni said...

How cute are they??? I could just reach out and pinch both of them. That picture of Tessa smiling is the best. Would you please e-mail that one to me? Love, Mom

Natalie said...

I LOVE chubby babies!!! My brothers were pipsqueaks clear until high school, but maybe you don't want to hear that for Carson's least he looks super intelligent for being so smart and yet so small! Seth looks like he has "problems" because he's so tall but still just a 3 year old. Sigh. We live in a catch-22 world, don't we?!

Becky N. said...

What a cutie. Melinda was always in the way upper percentiles like that, too. Be prepared for a tall girl!!

Melinda's height at the doctor was 3'11", which is 47 inches. I bet Jacob's about as tall as Carson, lol. Definitely as heavy. ;)

Erin S said...

She is a little chunk!! How cute, I think she has your eyes. I can't believe Carson is going to be in kindergarten!!

Kahana said...

She is soooo cute!!! I love her lil chub! Adorable!!!