When Allison and Jenni came to visit
Duckers and the Hancocks
Ducker girls and Pratt girls
Tessa and Alice meeting for the first time
Alice is 10 days younger than Tessa. (Little Tess looks like a giant next to Alice!!!)
Thanks for stopping by on your way back to Utah. It was so good to see you guys, meet the baby girl and get Allison's sweet news of the new baby on the way!! ;o) LOVED IT!
When Andrea came to visit
Roman girls and Ducker girls
Aspen and Tessa meeting for the first time. Aspen was born the beginning of July.
As you can see, she really didn't care to look at Tessa too much. Maybe next time...
Andrea holding Tessa.
Thanks for coming over to hang out Andrea!! It was so good to see you and meet you tiny little baby. She is beautiful, you look great and I look forward to seeing you guys again. Hopefully in the NEAR future!
March.7, 2025
9 hours ago
These pics are darling. Lookit Tessa... such a big pretty girl!
Such precious baby dolls! I just love how pretty baby girl clothes are...though all these angels don't really need any help. They're adorable!
Just wanted to let you know one last time that I am doing senior photos this saturday from about 5:30 till 7:30. Call me if you want to join for some practice. 403.2954
ps-did tessa cry a ton when you pierced her ears. I want to get emmy's done!
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