We have a field behind our house and they put a pony back there. I showed the kids the next day because they had put the horse back there after they had gone to bed. Carson asked me what the horsie was doing and this is how the story went:
Me: "Oh it's just walking around eating grass."
Carson: "Horsies DON'T eat grass!"
Me: "Yes they do, they eat Hay..."
Carson: "yeah."
Me: "....and carrots...."
Carson: "yeah."
Me: "....and apples..."
Carson: "yeah."
Me: "....and grain...."
Carson: "yeah."
Me: "....and grass!"
Carson: "NO! They DON'T eat grass!!"
Me: "Carson, Horsies eat grass!"
Carson: "No, they don't eat grass."
Me: "Carson, I am smarter than you, and horses eat grass!"
Carson: "...and I am smarter that YOU, and Horsies DON'T EAT GRASS!"
Me: "whatever."
Here's the field and pony.
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
5 days ago
LOL. Cute story. :)
Would it help to explain that farmers grow tall grass all summer, then cut it and let it dry out, and THAT is what hay is? That they eat the hay during the winter when the grass isn't growing, but eat the grass while the farmers are making the hay? Melinda, at least, lives for those kind of explanations.
LOL Carson is a munchkin!! Did you ask him what he thought they ate instead?! LOL Oh I can't wait until Connor can't argue with me...oh wait! Yes I can!!
yeah, I wasn't thinking like that durning the argument. I was just shocked that he would argue with me like that!
We'll have to sit down and have a talk though about it soon. Maybe then it will all click.
hee heee...Carson is quite a character!
I laughed so hard, because I could totally see Kate doing that!! HILARIOUS!!
Just so you know, I went to cutest blog on the block from your site...they are sooooo cute! I want them all! Thanks for sharing!
hee hee. So glad it's your kid, not mine. Still laughing. Had to make DW come in and read it too. Thanks for sharing.
I would love to be your blogging friend! To be completely honest, I have looked at your blog once or twice myself. I noticed both Kim & April had you on their lists, so I went ahead and took a peek. Not weird at all!! Looks like we do have a lot in common...I'll go ahead and put you on mine too :)
My Camden is NOT doing wonderful without the binki as it turns out. He cries everytime he goes down for a nap or bedtime and doesn't sleep long enough for naps and wakes up an hour earlier in the morning! I'm hoping it will pass soon! So sad that it made your little guy cry seeing the video. Good luck!
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