Thursday, December 2, 2010
3 little peeps dancing (if you can call it that!)
Posted by The Duckers at 7:36 PM 18 comments
Tessa jumping on Carson
Posted by The Duckers at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Tessa and her gibberish (that's a word right!?!)
Posted by The Duckers at 5:37 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
What I didn't tell you PART ONE

Posted by The Duckers at 5:00 PM 5 comments
Thursday, August 5, 2010
4 months later....

Posted by The Duckers at 9:38 AM 3 comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
The Green Dresser
I was on a photo walk with a friend this last summer and stumbled upon this!!! An affordable dresser. I promptly went home, had Dorian take a look at in and put in on layaway (my newest favorite thing because I only paid $15 at a time and it never seemed like I actually paid for it!!)
When we got it home we started priming it. Then Dorian had this crazy idea to maybe paint it fire-engine red!??! He was delirious obviously!! (which is so weird for him, because he usually has a great vision of things). We were thinking about going black for a while until I stumbled upon a friends blog that completely inspired me!!
This is what we finally decided on and we LOVE it!! Joni was such a help with decorating the top and was so nice to buy us the lamp as a wonderful and perfect gift for our new found love! :o)
This was the perfect piece for this spot in our house. We couldn't be more thrilled!
Posted by The Duckers at 8:52 AM 8 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
One small step.....
Tessa has been taking her first steps this week. It's been fun to watch her grow and learn new things. Plus, she thinks she's pretty cool stuff when she's doing it. But, with all good things there's another side too. It makes me want to cry! She's growing WAY too fast, and sometimes I just want to be snuggling my little newborn again.
Enjoy the video that we captured yesterday (4.8.10)
Oh, and don't mind the fact that she isn't wearing any pants. She decided to puke on my floor and then crawl right through it (and play in it a little too). LOVE-LY!
Posted by The Duckers at 11:25 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
When Granny and Papa came (beginning of March)
For some reason, every time Dorian's parents come to visit I hardly ever pull the camera out. I think it has something to do with the fact the the trips are usually quick and somewhat action packed, and I just try to enjoy and soak in every second with them. I don't like to worry about getting pictures, but I do need to be a little better about it!
Here is Tessa snuggling with her papa
And her are the boys doing tricks with Papa. That papa sure is a lot of fun!!
Posted by The Duckers at 6:49 PM 4 comments
Friday, March 26, 2010
9 month check-up (3.2.10)
We waited for the doctor to come and give us her new stats. We were bummed that this time around our favorite doctor Stephanie was on maternity leave, but luckily she'll be back in the office by the time Tessa has her one year check up in just 2 short months (crazy!).
Here are the stats:
Height: 28 1/2 inches (80%)
Weight: 19 lbs 15 oz. (69%)
Head: 45 inches (78%)
And the good news??? NO SHOTS!!!! Even little Tess can be happy about that kind of news!
Posted by The Duckers at 4:01 PM 7 comments
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Oh the things our children say!
JAMES (talking about Tessa..) INSERT TUNE (Pop goes the Weasel: that actual part): "she is F#*kin', f#*k-f#*k-f#*k F#*kin'!"
ME: WHAT!?!?!? (trying SO hard not to giggle...I wasn't too successful)
JAMES (laughing): starts all over again...
ME: Let's not say that. That's a really naughty word!
JAMES: Oh, I didn't know! (he really had NO IDEA what he was saying)
ME: I know. Let's just not say that anymore!
CARSON: What?!?! F#*kin'.......
ME: Yeah.....that's it! :o) Not anymore!!!!!!!! (ACK!)
I've never heard that word so much in such a short period of time in. And in my house of all places!!!
Posted by The Duckers at 2:18 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Mardi Gras Box
We just love it every year when an unexpected box arrives on our porch form our Aunt Sarah and Uncle Elroy! This is the 3rd year that the boys (and Tessa's first year) have received a box full of beads, shirts, treats, stuffed animals, light up balls and necklaces and footballs. The list goes on and on of the stuff that comes in the box. It is so fun to see the looks on their faces as we CONTINUE to pull things out.
Thank you Aunt Sarah and Uncle Elroy for going out of your way to make our kids so happy! We just wish you could be around when they opened the box. Someday (sooner rather than later) we'll get to go to a parade WITH you!
We love you and miss you all like crazy!
Dorian, Melissa, Carson, James and Tessa
The kids and their loot!
Posted by The Duckers at 7:47 AM 11 comments
Friday, January 29, 2010
Yet another Preschool Graduation and on his birthday!!
James graduated from Preschool yet again! (lol)
Ellie seemed to make this whole experience of preschool without Carson a whole lot easier on James. Even thought half of the times I dropped him off they had to carry him away from me while he was screaming my name and reaching for me to take him back. It broke my heart, but I knew it was the best thing for him. The last couple of times he went, he got a ride from Ellie or Haylie. He'd leave the car and never look back. Guess I should've been doing it that way from the beginning!
James and Ellie
They sang Happy Birthday to him and this cute little girl wearing her princess tiara! Of course he was embarrassed!
my little 4 year old
Ellie, Haylie and James
Congrats James on yet another Preschool Graduation!! I'm looking forward to the next one this spring!
Posted by The Duckers at 7:35 AM 5 comments